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《賞味期限》Shelf Life 


雙人舞                            長篇作品

         Duo                        Full length work

Photo credit:Jason Chung,Henry Wong


Presented in the 27th Macao Arts Festival, organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government

「食物開始腐爛, 鐵開始生鏽, 玫瑰花開始枯萎,蜜蜂仍拼命吮吸。」每一件物品都有一個屬於的保質期,人與人,人與物之間;又會否有一個屬於他們的限期呢?



‘Food begins to rot, iron begins to rust and the rose begins to wither.But bee is still desperately sucking it…What the bee is sucking from the flower is nonetheless poisonous,The bee knows it, for the poison is bitter. ’Everything has a Shelf Life. It will be abandoned or disposed of once it has expired.Does a Shelf Life exist for the relationship between


This Work presents emotional entanglement expressed through partnering dance using different movement dynamics as well as the subtly complicated relationship between non-linear but connected narratives. It also fuses with Visual Arts and Installations. Viewers can trace the mutual relationship and history between the two; thus it creates an innovative viewing experience.



 編舞及舞者 Choreographers and Dancers:

黃翠絲、毛維 Tracy Wong and Mao Wei

視覺與裝置藝術Visual and installation:

周文慶 Justin Chow

        舞台監督及執行舞台監督 Stage Manager and Deputy Stage Manager:

吳家進 Ka Chon Ng

        行政及助理舞台監督 Assistant to Stage Manager and Administrative Manager:

   孫正琪 Sun Cheng Kei         

        燈光設計 Lighting Designer:

陳家豪 Ivan Chan

        作曲及音響設計 Music Composition and Sound Designer:

曾恒勝 Tsing Hang Sing

宣傳錄像及劇照拍攝  Publicity Videos and Stills Photography:

陳凱琪 Jackie Chan

宣傳錄像音響設計Trailer Sound Designer:

何楚雯 Ursa Ho

2018.9                                                   常德繽紛舞蹈節預演節目 Chengde Colourful Dance Festival


2017.11                                                                                     廣東現代舞周  Guangdong Dance Festival 


2016.6                                                          香港前進進牛棚藝術村 Hong Kong Cattle Depot Theatre

2016.5                                                                第二十七屆澳門藝術節 The 27th Macau Arts Festival

2014.9                                                                                             澳門戲劇農莊 Theatre Farmer(Macau)

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