Body Traveler
讓身體於澳門穿梭,發現身邊的當代藝術。打破傳統觀念,捨棄華麗的舞台、燈光及佈景,近距離為你呈現舞蹈的本身及身體的可能性,重新感受澳門,感受不一樣的當代舞蹈文化。多位知名舞者將帶來多元的作品:曾獲台新藝術獎提名的林廷緒、馬戲大環舞蹈藝術家楊世豪、雙人當代舞團Ghost Group、孔雀歌舞團首席舞者董繼蘭、旅美舞者周貴東、漢諾威國際編舞比賽獎項得主龔興興,以及新晉編舞劉沛麟。
Let your body travel around Macao and discover contemporary art around you. Breaking away from conventional concepts, using no spectacular stage, lighting and sets, this production will present you the essence of dance and the possibilities of body. Re-experience Macao and appreciate a different style of contemporary dance.Dance pieces will be performed by renowned dancers including Taishin Arts Award nominee Lin Ting-Syu; cyr wheel artist Yang Shih Hao; contemporary dance duo Ghost Group; principal dancer of the Peacock Contemporary Dance Company, Dong Jilan; US-based dancer Allen Zhou; winner of the International Choreographic Competition Hannover, Gong Xinxin; and rising choreographer Lau Pui Lon.
Performance Information
22.1.2021 星期五
11:00 | 板樟堂前地
15:00 | 康公廟前地
23.1.2021 星期六
11:00 | 大炮台花園
15:00 | 九號碼頭天台
10/1/2020 | Friday
11:00 | Largo de S. Domingos
15:00 | Largo do Pagode do Bazar
11/1/2020 | Saturday
11:00 | Mount Fortress Garden
15:00 | Ponte 9, Rooftop