Wong Choi Si, Tracy
Founder, Director & Choreographer
+852 51992096 (WhatsApp)
+853 66287264
黃翠絲 Tracy Wong
生於澳門,2013 年以一級榮譽學士學位畢業於香港演藝學院。 在校獲得最傑出女舞蹈演員獎、舞蹈學院院長獎和現代舞講師獎學金; 同時獲得澳門文化局和教青局的獎學金。她現為獨立藝術家,曾與世界各地著名藝術家合作,包括:邢亮,梅田宏明,LAURA ARIS,JOS BAKER,DAM VAN HUYNH,JOHANNES WIELAND,EMMANUELLE VOH-DINH, PICHET KLUNCHUN等。
他們兩度獲邀澳門藝術節委約創作作品《賞味期限》和《洞穴爆發.奇異毛球》,《賞味期限》首演後隨即巡演香港,中國廣州,湖南,銀川,昆明和比利時等地;另外五度香港藝術節五度邀請委約創作以及演出,包括作品個人作品《慢煮》,與香港藝術家毛維共同創作作品《地圖》和《原》, 《當打之年》以及參與與英國藝術家Jos Baker共同合作的創作《火滅》。她的作品曾於澳門,香港,廣州,日本,韓國,法國,比利時,阿娒斯特丹,西班牙,希臘和德國等地演出。作品《原》更代表香港和澳門入選韓國NDA國際舞蹈節編舞大賽,德國漢諾威編舞大賽,並在西班牙MASDANZA國際編舞大賽邀請賽獲得哥梅拉編舞中心駐場計劃獎。最近個人創作《一個人的狂歡》。
除了創作部分,同時他們專注尋找並研究出屬於他們獨有的一套雙人舞語彙與技術 “相對力Relative Force”,近年多次被邀請到國內外舞團和舞蹈節授課。
Director of MW Dance Theatre
Choreographer / Dancer
Curator of ON SITE Festival
Born in Macau, she graduated with a first-class honors degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2013. She is the founder of MW Dance Theatre and is currently pursuing a master's degree at the National Taipei University of the Arts.
She has twice been commissioned by the Macau Arts Festival to create works, "Shelf Life" and " Les Curious Fringes", also has been commissioned five times by the Hong Kong Arts Festival, including her solo work "Sous Vide," Mapping" and "Pardon", “Put Out of the Flame" an collaboration with UK artist Jos Baker, Dance video "The Formidable Year" . In 2022, she has been commissioned by the Macau Cultural Center to create a full-length production, "The Formidable Year".
Her works have been performed in Macau, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, France, Belgium, Amsterdam, Spain, Greece, and Germany. Her work "Pardon" was selected to represent Hong Kong and Macau at the NDA International Dance Choreography Competition in Korea and the Hanover Choreography Competition in Germany, The 22nd Masdanza International Choreography contest(Spain) in 2018 (awarded the La Gomera Choreography Centre Artist Residency Prize).
Her recent solo works "One Person's Carnival" and "My Little World in the Oven".In recent years, Wong has frequently appeared on the international stage, gaining international recognition. She bravely stepped onto the international stage, boldly showcasing the body and culture unique to Macau. In addition to her creative work, she also focuses on finding and researching the unique body vocabulary and Partnering techniques "Relative Force" belonging to MW Dance Theatre, and has been invited to teach at dance companies and dance festivals both domestically and internationally.